Setting Up SnapReplicate and SNAP HA™


About SoftNAS SnapReplicate and SNAP HATM

Setting up SnapReplicate provides replication of data between SoftNAS Cloud® instances for greater redundancy. SNAP HATM, on the other hand, adds an additional layer of protection by providing load balancing between SoftNAS Cloud® instances.
For in-depth information on SoftNAS High Availability functions, consult SoftNAS High Availability Guide


The following are required for a successful SNAPReplicate and SNAP HATM setup.
If setting up SNAPReplicate using Elastic IP addresses:
  • Create virtual network (public and private subnets)
  • Deploy 2 instances into the private subnets (into different regions for greater redundancy)
If setting up SNAPReplicate using Virtual IP addresses:
  • Create virtual network (create separate private subnets.)
  • Deploy 2 instances into the private subnets (into different regions for greater redundancy)
  • Configure SoftNAS SnapReplicate.

Setting Up For SnapReplicate

The following is required for a standard SoftNAS SnapReplicate and SNAP HATM implementation:
If setting up SNAPReplicate using Elastic IP addresses:
  • Create virtual network (public and private subnets)
  • Deploy 2 instances into the private subnets (into different regions for greater redundancy)
If setting up SNAPReplicate using Virtual IP addresses:
  • Create virtual network (create separate private subnets.)
  • Deploy 2 instances into the private subnets (into different regions for greater redundancy).
  • Configure SnapReplicate and SNAP HATM using SoftNAS StorageCenter.

Configuring StorageCenter

Once the StorageCenter interface has been accessed, set up the Disk Devices, Storage Pools, and Volumes that will be required for HA.
Note: When setting up storage pools for replication, they have to have the same name. Otherwise, replication will not work properly. Also, create a volume on the source-side node.
For more in depth setup information on setting up SnapReplicate, see SnapReplicate.
To review how to set up SNAP HATM, see SNAP HATM.