Adding a New Export
Note: Before you can do NFS Share, you need to create a volume to share.
1. Click the Add a New Export link.
The Create Export section of the panel will be displayed.
2. In the Export Details section, specify the NFS version in the NFS Version field.
Note: The example has NFS version 3, but other settings such as NFS version 4 may also work better in some environments. Choose the most appropriate settings for your particular environment, security and operational needs.
3. In the Directory to Export field, click the button to select the directory that you wish to export.
4. Set the Active field to Yes.
5. In the Export to field, specify the system IPV4 Network and Netmask addresses in the respective text entry boxes.
6. In the Export Security section, specify the Read-only field as No.
7. Set the Disable Subtree Checking field to Yes.
8. Set the Immediately Sync All Writes filed to No.
Note: For best performance throughput, choose No for Immediately Sync All Writes field. This option allows SoftNAS to cache the write and return to the caller immediately (up to 10 times better throughput has been observed by not immediately sync'ing writes, so No setting makes a big difference in performance sensitive applications).
9. Set the Clients Must be On Secure Port to No.
10. Set the Hide the Filesystem field to Yes.
11. Set the Trust Remote Users field to Nobody.
Note: If you are planning to mount this NFS share from VMware, you must select Nobody as the Trust Remote Users choice. VMware hosts do not authenticate by default, so it's also best to restrict the IP address range appropriately.
12. Specify the untrusted users in the Treat Untrusted Users as Default or softnas.
13. Specify the untrusted groups in the Treat Untrusted Groups as Default or softnas.
14. Set the Make Symbolic Links Relative field to No.
15. Set the Deny Access to Directory field to No.
16. Set the Don't Trust UIDs field to None.
17. Set the Don't Trust GIDs field to None.
18. Click the Create button.
The NFS Exports panel will be displayed.
19. Click the Apply Changes button.
The NFS export settings will be activated.