Changing Default Passwords
When logging in to the SoftNAS StorageCenter for the first time, use the super-user login credentials such as root and softnas as users and Pass4W0rd (that's a zero) as system default password.
For security reasons, it is recommended to change these passwords to unique, secure passwords to increase the security of mission-critical data managed by SoftNAS.
To Change a Password
1. Log on to SoftNAS StorageCenter.
2. In the Left Navigation Pane, select the Change Password option under the Settings section.
The Change Password panel will be displayed.
3. Select the user to which you wish to change the password from the list of users.
The Changing Unix User Password section will be displayed.
4. Enter the new password in the New Password text entry box.
5. Confirm the password by re-entering it in the New Password (Again) text entry box.
6. Check this box if you want to force the user to change the password when he logs on to the system next time.
7. Check this box if you want to enforce the change of password in other modules also.
8. Click the Change button.
The password of the selected user will now be changed and he/she can now log on to the system with the new password.