Referring to Regions for Amazon Machine Images
Amazon EC2 provides the ability to place instances in multiple locations. Amazon EC2 locations are composed of Availability Zones and Regions. Regions are dispersed and located in separate geographic areas (US, EU, etc.). Availability Zones are distinct locations within a Region that are engineered to be isolated from failures in other Availability Zones and provide inexpensive, low latency network connectivity to other Availability Zones in the same Region.
By launching instances in separate Regions, you can design your application to be closer to specific customers or to meet legal or other requirements. By launching instances in separate Availability Zones, you can protect your applications from the failure of a single location.
The following graphic shows a representation of Amazon EC2. Each Region is completely independent. Each Availability Zone is isolated, but connected through low-latency links.
There may be some minor cost differences depending on the availability zone you choose.
Another factor to be used in choosing an availability zone is geographic proximity to where your applications and users will be located. It's typically a good idea to minimize the network latency between the web server / applications and your users, which is likely a deciding factor for which region to use.
Before you begin the configuration of SoftNAS on Amazon EC2, you need to select the nearest location/region for Amazon Machine Image of SoftNAS on the SoftNAS site.
1. To do so, log on to SoftNAS site with your login credentials.
2. Navigate to SoftNAS for Amazon EC2 section on the Downloads page.
3. Click the Download Now button.
The SoftNAS for Amazon EC2 page will be displayed.
Note : SoftNAS is already installed as Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and so you need not actually have to download it. You just have to choose AMI and and subsequent AWS region.
4. Note down the AMI ID of the SoftNAS AMI for the required region you wish to use. In the example, we are using the Singapore based SoftNAS AMI ID.