Copyright © SoftNAS, LLC.

Choosing an Instance Type

Amazon EC2 provides computing instances, which are virtual machines running on the XenSource hypervisor.  Each instance is a unique copy of a virtual machine image.  We will use EC2 terminology instance to refer to these VM's.
SoftNAS performance and throughput is governed by:

General Instance Type Recommendations

Arguably, there are so many choices to make in EC2, it can be challenging to know where to begin.  Here are some general recommendations for getting started with EC2 and SoftNAS.
If your workloads are extremely heavy, you can increase cache memory with "High-Memory Instances" and/or use EBS-Optimized and Provisioned IOPS to provide better control over available IOPS.
Note:  Micro instances may be adequate for some development and QA testing purposes, and to keep costs low; however, be aware of the significant memory, CPU and network limits imposed on micro instances, which will certainly limit performance and throughput of SoftNAS.