Accessing SoftNAS Storage Center
To access the SoftNAS StorageCenterâ„¢ administration interface, a web browser is used. Supported browsers include Internet Explorer 8 or later, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers. Most mobile browsers should also work. Javascript and cookies must be enabled.
Access SoftNAS StorageCenter from Network
If your SoftNAS system is accessible from your internal network (recommended) or the Internet (not recommended, from security standpoint), then enter the following URL into your desktop web browser:
You are connecting using SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption by using the "https:" prefix. SoftNAS ships with a default SSL certificate. This certificate is "self-signed", so it does not contain a certified root CA. As a result, the browser will show a certificate warning when you first connect. This can be ignore for now (and if you prefer, you can later add a CA-signed SSL certificate if you prefer).
Next, you will be asked to provide login credentials.
Default Passwords:
VMware and Hyper-V. Enter softnas as user ID and password to log in. If you haven't changed the default password, the factory setting is: Pass4W0rd
Amazon EC2. Enter softnas as user ID and password to log in. If you haven't changed the default password, the factory setting is automatically set to the instance ID of the SoftNAS EC2 instance; e.g., if your SoftNAS instance ID is "i-205a77fb", then use that instance ID as the password and log in.
Access SoftNAS StorageCenter from SoftNAS Console in vSphere / vCenter/Hyper-V
If you prefer to use the VMware Console to administer SoftNAS, or SoftNAS is not accessible on the internal user network from a desktop browser, then use the vSphere, vCenter VM console (or VMware Workstation, if applicable) to access SoftNAS StorageCenter.
You can also use SoftNAS console from Hyper-V 2012 or Hyper-V 2008 R2 to access SoftNAS StorageCenter.
1. Launch the VM console for the SoftNAS VM, then click on softnas to log in to the SoftNAS desktop.
2. On the SoftNAS virtual machine desktop, double click the SoftNAS Storage Center icon.
3. The SoftNAS Storage Center will be displayed on the browser.
4. When you log in for the first time, you will see the terms and conditions of SoftNAS. Click I Agree button in order to accept SoftNAS terms and continue using its services.
The SoftNAS Welcome page will be displayed.
At this point, you can click on any item in the left-side menu area of the SoftNAS StorageCenter to explore the various administration functions. Start with the Dashboard, Volumes and Storage Pools to begin learning more about how to administer SoftNAS.